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Dreams of Decay book review: a nightmarish bunch of collective poems from a dark mind...

Updated: Jan 1, 2022


S. Alessandro Martinez (Goodreads Author)

Look in the closet and check under the bed; lay down to sleep and pull the covers up to your chin as you drift off into the whimsical world of dreams. But sometimes dreams decay, becoming nightmares, black and frightening. Journey into the darker realms where the fantastical meets the horrific. From deep within the terrifying imagination of S. Alessandro Martinez, this collection delves into the darkly amusing, the strange, and the eerie; poems guaranteed to send shivers down your spine and make your skin crawl. Wow! I was very lucky to win a copy of this outstanding collection of poems by S.Alessandro Martinez and was pleasantly surprised by how disturbed the poems were. Being a big fan of horror and the dark, I was taken to the words on the page as each paragraph lead me down a route where the lighthearted shouldn't even venture. And with gorgeous artwork by the talented Asya Yordanova (Illustrator), Holly Hammond (Illustrator), and Jody Scheers (illustrator), Dreams of Decay will make a lovely gift for fans of nightmarish poems. There are plenty of twists that end badly for the characters and with a wicked sense of humor on every page. This collection of horror poems is dark and fun, and each poem flows rhythmically while spinning a unique dark tale that enthralls the reader with an eerie sense of calmness. The Viscera Queen and Daddy-Long-Legs are two of my favorites from the vast pages of imagination. If like me, you love darkness and twisted fun, then go ahead and grab a copy. I dare you. 5/5 STARS #DreamsofDecay #SAlessandroMartinez

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